Sunday 15 January 2017

Barkha Dutta Quits NDTV, Season for New Venture

Last Month Arnab Goswami also quits  from Times Now
Now a day’s known face Journalists are quitting their job to open up their own ventures, is this the season to going for startup. Prabhu Chawla from India TV to National Voice, Arnab Goswami from Times Now to an own republic, Today Barkha Dutta from NDTV, most probably next Ravish Kumar (NDTV), Anil Singhvi from CNBC Awaz………let see…what happen.

In India, there are so many TV news channels are flooded, and some are going to adjoin like Arnab Goswami’s Republic and new venture of Barkha Dutta. In today’s modern scenario the way of doing journalism has changed, we should change to sustain in the present technological era. But why not we Indian fully trust on the so-called modern news channel, since we know maximum are paid journalism, they follow their political bosses to earn money or create a sensation to get more TRP. You all (5 % Left) journos are here to earn money by hook or crook by getting TRP’s.

I understand that the truth is unique, but its perspective may be different. We people realized that in the name of competition, you journos forget the essence of journalism. The fault on viewer’s side is that we Indians are not fully or consciously educated to understand the impact of negative journalism.
Now they quit and starting the own venture, superb, but the question remain is they change the way of journalism they did previously. Let see how Arnab’s Republic will change the line of selective attack or mess up in previous same contour.

Ms. Barkha, I personally respect you, still I remember your coverage during Kargil war, you did great job, but also I remember the Radia tape, please don’t go the same way, before starting the program called “We people of India”, kindly identify yourself with true India, Kashmir is a part of India, it doesn’t represent entire India. Hello Barkha Dutta Mam, hope you will bring new phenomenon changes to the industry. My Good Wishes…!

We people of India, don’t want celebrity journalism, I realized, you may not get TRP for your program, but sure, you will earn too much respect from truly educated society. The maximum media houses are so polluted due to political bosses, for them, it’s not easy to clean themselves, we expect, new ventures will not go similar fashion and always be spot free. The respective media house will not clean until it detachment from political bosses.
Kindly note your salary is sufficient for you whatever you want, don’t go for paid news (it may be directly or indirectly or favorable)

Get well soon for existing media houses and Good Wishes for New ventures!


Wednesday 4 January 2017

Six Morning Resolutions Which Can Transform Your LIFE

Six Morning Resolutions Which can Change Transform your LIFE

It’s not just the Resolutions; it will renovate you for Healthy, Peace & Wealthy Living

“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the one who does”
Steve Jobs

1.Early to Rise:  If you have a dream in your life or crave for an extraordinary thing, then the foremost step is “Start Early to Rise”. Yes, you have to early to rise, which allow you to plan your whole day work, spent morning quality time for your main work. Please Check the facts of various extraordinary people around the globe, all are having one most common habit is early to rise.
If early to rise is not possible for you; forget about your dream, you cannot make a simple habit of early to rise, how you can achieve unusually? There is no specific technique to awake early, just wake up, if you want to achieve more, just follow early to bed and please note nothing will change unless you change.
Don’t excuse, if you have the power to take action or change, then only you can, otherwise BIG NO and live the ordinary life as 99% people around the globe, just as usual.
"Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses" -George Washington Carver
2.Oil Pulling: Oil pulling is a very effective scientific technique for being the energetic whole day, strictly follow it. It has too many advantages. If you have no idea, what the oil pulling is, please learn from the internet.
3.Exercise & Meditation: Without health, everything you plan is meaningless, so health first. You should have good physical health with strong mental balance; do some lighter exercise and meditation, sit in somewhere silent area or natural place or park or open area, think about yourself, communicate with yourself, so some yoga tactics, prepare your mind to explore more work in rest of the day, it will help you focus and concentrate on the present work.
Nothing will Change Unless You Change!
4.Healthy Breakfast: True fact, to achieve your desired goal, you have maintained good health. For being active in the whole day, you have to take good healthy breakfast in the morning. Since your mind is also driven by your health, please allow some good nutrient foods in the morning like oats, eggs, some fruits, corns, milk, bread, 2 teaspoon honey, Chana, Mung Bean etc. The money budget for the morning breakfast will be hardly around 1500 rupees per month. No for all spicy food in the morning never takes any spicy food in the morning,
5.Prepare To Do List: Always maintained to do list, what are the tasks should be completed within the day, i.e day to do list, month to do list or yearly planner it should base on the priority of your work, like important and urgent is the first priority. If possible finish all your important work before lunch. There should at least one task in the list which is directly or indirectly help to close towards your life dream.  The listed task should be completed within stipulated time frame by hook and crook. Before going to the bed at night, just review the whole day performance, this will build your confidence and when it reflects in your action, brings momentum in your life.  
For preparations of the to-do list, don’t use the smartphone app, please maintain one diary of the current year, where you have to strictly follow in respective date wise.
6. Stay Away From Smartphone: Nowadays, most important maximum people are addicted to a smartphone, please away smart phone in the morning time. Whatever the situations don’t check your phone before 9 AM, no means no; otherwise, you may be suffering from Nomophobia, which is phone addicted disease.

Morning time is most precious time; always utilize it for quality works only. Please make an effort and export your true potential, as nothing will change unless you change.
Recommendation: Drink water as much as possible in the morning time, it will help you to stay fit.

Whatever we achieved in our life based on our own habits, your tomorrow’s life is based on today’s habits. Therefore make good habits for good life, firmly do one task for continuous 21 days (yes 21 days continuous without break of single day), it will become your habit. When it becomes habits, then it will easy as usual. That’s why examining your habits, remove the bad habits and add good habits, it will drive your life. Good Habits reflects quality life, bad habits reflect ordinary life.

So starts from today, act now means right now, there is no such day is called tomorrow, the choice is yours, what you want. Nothing will change unless you change, take a step back and closely look at your life, ready for change; if you want tomorrow should be changed.

Wish you a Remarkable and Healthy Life Ahead.  Let’s make today be the best day of entire life.


Sunday 1 January 2017

Wishing You A Very Happy New Year 2017.

Dear Friends,

Time flies, we have just passed the beautiful year 2016, now it’s time to welcome the New Year 2017.

Just as a new bloom spreads fragrance and freshness around, May the New Year add a new beauty and freshness into your life.
Wishing you a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2017!
Best Wishes, Let’s Make 2017 will be the best.


Sunday 4 December 2016

How to Become Crorepati with Small Investment

Becoming a Crorepati is a Pure Maths
Importance of financial literacy

Compound Interest is the Eighth Wonder of the World-Albert Einstein

As per latest research shows, more than 70% Indians are badly financial managed, almost 60% having no clue about financial literacy. The shocking truth is that nowhere in our education systems or society tries to educate us on such important aspects of our life.  We maximum have no idea regarding cash flow, Personal financial budget, Demonetization, inflation, deflation, GDP, growth rate etc. 
But you are agreeing with the statement “Money earns Money”, but how & how much is based on knowledge of money management. Where to invest and when? A Risk factor associated with an investment, higher return, insurance etc all these parameters are plunge under the category of financial literacy.
Saving: How much we save in one time is not so important for becoming Crorepati, how regularly we save money is much better way to getting Crorepati. The myth is that for saving money, we have to earn more. If you have a desire to save some percentage of your hard earn money for your future expenses, like marriage, children’s education, buying home, retirement plan etc. then you have manage to save at least 30% of your monthly income, when your salary is credited, first invest, then only spends rest for your daily needs. Please never postpone to start saving in next month; the next month will never come…100% true, Choice is yours.  
Poor vs. Middle Class vs. Rich: Poor people earn less money and all money gone to their monthly expenses. In the case of actual rich and middle class (appear rich-not actually rich), there are two ways to flow your money either you spend it or invest it. There is a small distinction between rich vs. middle class, rich people always looking for assets and middle class looking for liabilities, assets pay you and liabilities cost you. 
If you want to become Crorepati as earliest look for assets, not liabilities. Your Smartphone is your liabilities, if it does not pay you or if you buy a home for yourself by taking a loan, then your monthly EMI is a super liability for you, your loan is assets for the bank, where you have taken the loan. Only buy the liabilities, when it is an utmost necessity, otherwise go for assets (anything which pays you), most important your education is your assets, it pays you in near future.
Types of Saving: When you decided to go to save 30% of your monthly income, and then should know about the following insurance and investment. I just urged you to go for 30% only (you have still 70% to spends for your day to day activities), if you can more, you will a Crorepati as sooner and one note please never ever put all saving in the same basket (one scheme). 
Term Insurance: This is not an investment, it is a pure insurance. Before investment, you should have one term insurance. Please go for online term insurance and for the longer term, roughly 3-5K annual premiums for 50-100 Lac cover. Please go for as early as possible (as the premium amount depends on your current age). You should also have one good health insurance plan which should cover your family members also. If some unfortunate event happens in your case, then term insurance will provide sufficient financial help to your family members. 
Always keep in mind, never mixed up the insurance with investment.
Mutual Fund: When we heard about Mutual Fund, one statement comes in our mind “Mutual Fund investment is subject to Market Risk”. Please don’t panic, go for some good fund company, check the past return rate and ranking of the respective mutual fund, choose the monthly SIP (Systematic Investment Plan). Yes definitely its return depends on the market, but for good fund in long-term; the risk factor is almost nil. It will give you 13-20% return, but not guaranteed. If you are looking for tax saving option, go for ELSS fund, having 3 years lock in the period.
NSC (Post Office): National Saving Certificates (NSC) which provides the maximum guaranteed return 8.5% with a lock-in period of 6 years; this is one of best secure investment for your retirement life. Please contact the local post office, till today; this is available in offline mode only.  
PPF (Public Provident Fund)-Tax Saving Purpose: PPF is a good way to invest with the return of 8-8.5% (varies), but the lock-in period is 15 years. You can easily open the PPF account through internet banking.
LIC: We middle class only know about LIC, however, LIC is neither a good insurance nor good investment; it’s just in between. As you already covered by term insurance, you need not think about insurance, but if you can afford, go for some money back policies (your or family members) depends on own financial goals.  
FD (Fixed Deposit) /RD: Advised to keep some portion of the investment in fixed deposit for emergency purpose, which gives the minimum return among all type of investment, approx 6-6.5% (after tax deduction).
Land or real State: It is the top priority of any type of investment, but you require too much lump sum amount. Now a day, if you are able to buy a land in any good location, then you are already Crorepati, why you are wasting your time to read this article “How to becoming a Crorepati”…Hehe...

Crorepati Formula: Here it is- Mr. Sanjay Monthly Investment and Total Return-
  • Before invest, please examine your financial goals and prepare personal Budget, never trust on agents, first understand yourself, then only invest (Go for online, quite cheaper).Apart from NSC, all other having auto debit facility from your bank account, no need to remember or worry about premium payment.
  • If you want getting rich faster or at an early age, then you have to earn more to save more or start saving as early as possible. The magic of money multiplication happens in a longer term.
Now the decision is yours, at what age you will be Crorepati is depended on how early you start saving and the amount of monthly investment for that purpose. In the magic of compounding, the time frame has a crucial role, that’s why I am telling you to start saving from today onwards and if you can afford, increase the percentage of the investment amount. 
Poor people, they don’t have remaining money (after expenses) to invest, and in the middle class (appear Rich, but not actually rich) spends the maximum money in their liabilities and super Rich people invest money for assets, which generates cash flow.
For getting Crorepati, you need not have too much money; just you have to understand the magic of power of compounding and regular investment habit. This is the guaranteed path towards being a Crorepati, it takes time but you will achieve. 
Observe the following two graph (Sources), you will understand the magic of compounding-
If you thinking the other way to becoming Crorepati as faster as possible with the small amount of investment, the share market is there. Be careful it not the surely guaranteed path, you can lose your capital also, and maximum people lose the money in share market. 
Wait for my upcoming next article "How to start in Share Market, Do,s and Don’t  before you start."
Understand the cash flow and earn more money, having more money you not only achieve the financial stability; also you will gain the social respects by providing jobs and charity to the society.
How much you invest is not so important, how long and regularly invest is the MANTRA of becoming Crorepati. 
Wish you Good luck..!

Sunday 13 November 2016

Nomophobia:Smartphone Addiction

Nomophobia: The fear of being without Mobile Phone

There are approx 2 billion people having a smartphone around the globe. It is an undoubted fact, due to the advancement of communication technology; the smartphone plays a vital role in our daily life. It provides an easy and smart way of living to human mankind. However, if you excessively use it, then it may adversely affect your health. Interestingly, one latest survey confirmed that people touch the phone 150 times per day (average)…shocking…!
At present, there are approx 200 billion smartphone users in India. As per the VSERV report (Indian Smartphone User Persona Report), on average Indians spend 3 hrs a day on their smartphone. There are various categories of users, like App Junkies, conversationalist, Entertainment Buffs, social stars etc; social stars spends approx 263 min per day i.e. 4.5 Hours. Recently, when the data prices were slashed or Reliance Jio has started its free promotional offer, usage is exponential increasing day by day, especially in youth. 
What is Nomophobia: Nomophobia means No Mobile phobia, it is a fear not having the mobile phone with you, and simply called as smartphone addiction; user feels an irrational fear of being out of the mobile phone. Latest research findings stated, in developed countries, like Great Britain 64% users are suffering from Nomophobia and in India, there is no authenticate research till yet, but surely percentage will cross more than 50%. There are no specific physical symptoms of Nomophobia, but user shows too many behavioral indicators when s/he suffer from Nomophobia, like anxiety, depression, panic, fear, dependence, lose patience, mentally disturb, memory loss etc. 
Immediate Effect: User will continually lose patience, decrease efficiency in workplace, unable to concentrate, lack of focusing on one task, irritation, sometimes impinge in relationship with family members and friends, complete away from nature, behavior changes, lead to no confidence and in long term it will adversely affect on user health & finally lead to mentally disturbed. Some cases are vision problem and affect on the functional of brain cells. If it will continue, one day it may ruin the life of user (Profession, Relationship, and Health).

Are you suffering from Nomophobia? Let’s check it out, Please note your answers in “YES or NO” and  be honest.
  1. If you touch the phone more than 100 times per day (Check it out using an app).
  2. In morning, check the phone before brushing teeth or during mid-night.
  3. Continuously use it at the meeting, classrooms/restaurants/public events etc.
  4. Use the phone in the toilet, it seems astonishing, but it is very true.
  5. Spend time more than 200 minutes per day (Check by OFFTIME app, the result will shock you).
  6. Feeling anxiety or fear, when battery about to die.
  7. Phubbing-The act of snubbing, like continuously looking at your phone during social sitting, instead of paying attention to the counterparts.
  8. Feeling uncomfortable or disturb, when you are without the phone.  
  9. Highly active on social networks (WhatsApp/Facebook/Twitter/Instagram etc) 
  10. Check the phone within every 15 minutes.
If your answers “YES” are ≥6, then you are suffering from Nomophobia. It means that you might be Smartphone-addicted; it’s time to alert and if your answers are 10 “YES”, then please consult with doctors.
Treatments: At present, there are very limited medical treatments are available in India; treatments include cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy and sometimes collective approach as per pharmacologist. If you are at initial or mid level of the disease, then you can diagnose it yourself, you should follow the following rules strictly- 
At Phone level: Check the time spent on phone (apps are available), keep the phone away from working desk, fix 3-4 hours free from phone (morning and evening), morning time should “Free From Phone” whatever the conditions, stick one day as a smartphone holiday (preferably Sunday), uninstalled those all unnecessary apps (games, social networks etc), turn off notifications, fix the user time limit in social sites, if possible keep yourself away from free Wi-Fi hot spots etc. 
At Personal level: Focus on career, spend more time with dear or near one, join yoga classes or some social services, start a habit of read books (Hard Copy), go to gym or playground, at least on weekend or holidays, join phone free events (in developed countries), do some creative work whatever you like..Decision is yours. 
Conclusions: If your earning and learning does not extensively depend on a smartphone, then you should definitely find the way out from extreme fear of losing Smartphone. Only use the phone, when it a necessity; otherwise strongly say to “NO” means “No” and make it as a habit. Just a few days you have to struggle, and within a week it will be a normal schedule.
Make a outdoor workout routine, sit in the park without phone, observe the nature, you will feel amazing, we all human being are purely natural, don’t mesh our body with artificial things, always nature is the best, if you live with nature, you gain too much stability, improve your health and peace in mind. 
Ultimately whatever we do, one day we will lie on the death bed, if you are able to leave this amazing world with happily and satisfactorily; then only life is accomplished. I am not against the technology, being as a technocrat I love technology, but we have to use it constructively. Let’s live with technology, but ensuring that we are master forever, and technology should remain as a servant. And one more thing, Smartphone may be your friend during loneliness, please remember, it is continuously stealing your Aloneness..! Now choice is yours..!

Let’s live the life with Healthy, Happy and Harmony!


Sunday 30 October 2016

Wishing you a Very Happy & Prosperous Dewali !

Dear Friends,


ये तौहार दीप का, उजाला का, कयौं कि दीप ही ज्योति का प्रथम तीर्थ है, इस दिपावली पर्ब पर आप्प सभी को शुभकामनाएं !  उमीद करता हु , लक्ष्मी जी कृपा से आप सभी  के घर मे खुशी  और शान्ति कि ज्योति जलते रहे ! 

     Wishing you and all your family members a Very Happy and Prosperous Diwali !

      Be Safe, every life counts, so celebrate responsibly !


Saturday 29 October 2016

Boycott of Chinese Diwali Products: Not Realistic

Let’s throw the Emotions and play the game using our Minds

The great Indian festival Diwali is at the door, which is a festival of lights. Every year, when Diwali approaches, we start to talk about the boycott of Chinese products.  Is this realistic? Absolutely not, nowadays, the whole world has become a global market. If we want to participate in the global market, the way is innovation, which provides the best quality products at cheaper price.  No matter how many times, we blew our trump about to boycott of Chinese Diwali products, it doesn’t work.  The markets are flooded with several Chinese products, from crackers to LED lamps.
Diya (Soil Oil Lamp) is most key product during Diwali. Through lighting the Diya; we can connect our spiritual vibes with god. It has too many advantages as compared to electronic LED lamps. Diya is our old tradition from Vedic days, in Hinduism believes that it provide the right direction of the path in our life, it is entire environmental friendly, low cost and most significant when you light the Diya, it gives the mental peace and true happiness. In additional, if you purchase Diya, which may help to happily live some poor families, please note Diya doesn’t manufacture by Reliance or Tata or so on. It’s our responsibility to keep it alive, let’s promise ourselves, in this Diwali, we going to use only Diya …which is the purely Indian tradition.
We are in the 21st century, the mode of celebrations has changed, and we have to accept it. Now a day, we (so-called upper-class or middle-class family) uses the various LEDs lights to décor our homes, these all (95%) LED lights are manufactured by China. From the unaware customer point of view, I look for cheaper products, and China provides that. How they did? It’s time to understand their systems.
Let’s introspect, what we are doing? At present, we are unable to develop LEDs, which are better, smaller and cheaper than Chinese products. Just blowing to the phrase “Make in India”… “Make in India”, doesn’t help. I agree that the money we spent in research and innovation in not sufficient. No matter, how much we spent, Have we developed any product in last 10 years? It hard to accept the truth that maximum our researcher or scientist are only busy for increasing the numbers of paper publication and patent filing for their promotion or personal benefits. Let’s frankly speaking, is there any products, which we use in daily life is developed by CSIR lab or other govt. funded organization?  After the patent was granted, no one bothers to bring it to the product level, then what the meaning of doing such research, which doesn’t give the benefit to the society. Whatever amount we spent for research (39 CSIR Lab, IITs, NITs, Central Institutions), we should ask for accountability, otherwise, the research will continue as numbers game only. Last year NR Narayana Murthy well said “No invention, earth-shaking idea from India in 60 years”, it is a bitter truth.
For the private player, the scenario is not different, big private giant Reliance offers Jio free SIM with its handsets, they provide the low-quality LYF handsets, which is Made in China and interestingly Make for India. Amazing, Reliance talking about digitalization, it sells various electronic products in its reliance digital store, where a single product is not developed by Reliance itself.
A Recent corporate spark from TATA, till date, we feel proud that Indian TATA gifted Nono car to the world, which is the lowest price on this planet. As per the former chairmen Cyrus Mistry- Tatas not shutting loss-making Nano for emotional reasons…oh, my god..!
Emotion doesn’t provide the success in competitive world, so we have to play the game by using our minds, let’s think about few some facts & do the change as earliest-
No detention policies to 80% Indian engineering graduates are unemployable (Shocking).
•Education systems should be practical approach (No theoretical)
•Promote from schools to universities: Rewarding based on innovation & product development (Marks % should not be only criteria)
•Promotions of scientists and professors (Applied Science and Engineering) should be purely based on what products they developed, how much sections of the society going to benefited.
•Make sure about accountability, the single penny we spent in research.
•Increase the research and innovation budget.
•Let’s promote innovation…
It will take time, maybe next 10-15 years, but first we have truly analyzed our education system and adopt the systems which help true innovation, then only our next generation will use the Indian LEDs or Crackers during Diwali celebrations, then only “Make in India” will meaningful.

India & China are two emerging economies is the world market, China already one steps forward; it’s our time to join in the race. Let’s innovates better and cheaper products; no need to boycott, Chinese Products will automatically fade away from the Indian Market.

Wishing you a very Happy Diwali….!
An Indian, who believes in improvement…!