Sunday, 13 November 2016

Nomophobia:Smartphone Addiction

Nomophobia: The fear of being without Mobile Phone

There are approx 2 billion people having a smartphone around the globe. It is an undoubted fact, due to the advancement of communication technology; the smartphone plays a vital role in our daily life. It provides an easy and smart way of living to human mankind. However, if you excessively use it, then it may adversely affect your health. Interestingly, one latest survey confirmed that people touch the phone 150 times per day (average)…shocking…!
At present, there are approx 200 billion smartphone users in India. As per the VSERV report (Indian Smartphone User Persona Report), on average Indians spend 3 hrs a day on their smartphone. There are various categories of users, like App Junkies, conversationalist, Entertainment Buffs, social stars etc; social stars spends approx 263 min per day i.e. 4.5 Hours. Recently, when the data prices were slashed or Reliance Jio has started its free promotional offer, usage is exponential increasing day by day, especially in youth. 
What is Nomophobia: Nomophobia means No Mobile phobia, it is a fear not having the mobile phone with you, and simply called as smartphone addiction; user feels an irrational fear of being out of the mobile phone. Latest research findings stated, in developed countries, like Great Britain 64% users are suffering from Nomophobia and in India, there is no authenticate research till yet, but surely percentage will cross more than 50%. There are no specific physical symptoms of Nomophobia, but user shows too many behavioral indicators when s/he suffer from Nomophobia, like anxiety, depression, panic, fear, dependence, lose patience, mentally disturb, memory loss etc. 
Immediate Effect: User will continually lose patience, decrease efficiency in workplace, unable to concentrate, lack of focusing on one task, irritation, sometimes impinge in relationship with family members and friends, complete away from nature, behavior changes, lead to no confidence and in long term it will adversely affect on user health & finally lead to mentally disturbed. Some cases are vision problem and affect on the functional of brain cells. If it will continue, one day it may ruin the life of user (Profession, Relationship, and Health).

Are you suffering from Nomophobia? Let’s check it out, Please note your answers in “YES or NO” and  be honest.
  1. If you touch the phone more than 100 times per day (Check it out using an app).
  2. In morning, check the phone before brushing teeth or during mid-night.
  3. Continuously use it at the meeting, classrooms/restaurants/public events etc.
  4. Use the phone in the toilet, it seems astonishing, but it is very true.
  5. Spend time more than 200 minutes per day (Check by OFFTIME app, the result will shock you).
  6. Feeling anxiety or fear, when battery about to die.
  7. Phubbing-The act of snubbing, like continuously looking at your phone during social sitting, instead of paying attention to the counterparts.
  8. Feeling uncomfortable or disturb, when you are without the phone.  
  9. Highly active on social networks (WhatsApp/Facebook/Twitter/Instagram etc) 
  10. Check the phone within every 15 minutes.
If your answers “YES” are ≥6, then you are suffering from Nomophobia. It means that you might be Smartphone-addicted; it’s time to alert and if your answers are 10 “YES”, then please consult with doctors.
Treatments: At present, there are very limited medical treatments are available in India; treatments include cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy and sometimes collective approach as per pharmacologist. If you are at initial or mid level of the disease, then you can diagnose it yourself, you should follow the following rules strictly- 
At Phone level: Check the time spent on phone (apps are available), keep the phone away from working desk, fix 3-4 hours free from phone (morning and evening), morning time should “Free From Phone” whatever the conditions, stick one day as a smartphone holiday (preferably Sunday), uninstalled those all unnecessary apps (games, social networks etc), turn off notifications, fix the user time limit in social sites, if possible keep yourself away from free Wi-Fi hot spots etc. 
At Personal level: Focus on career, spend more time with dear or near one, join yoga classes or some social services, start a habit of read books (Hard Copy), go to gym or playground, at least on weekend or holidays, join phone free events (in developed countries), do some creative work whatever you like..Decision is yours. 
Conclusions: If your earning and learning does not extensively depend on a smartphone, then you should definitely find the way out from extreme fear of losing Smartphone. Only use the phone, when it a necessity; otherwise strongly say to “NO” means “No” and make it as a habit. Just a few days you have to struggle, and within a week it will be a normal schedule.
Make a outdoor workout routine, sit in the park without phone, observe the nature, you will feel amazing, we all human being are purely natural, don’t mesh our body with artificial things, always nature is the best, if you live with nature, you gain too much stability, improve your health and peace in mind. 
Ultimately whatever we do, one day we will lie on the death bed, if you are able to leave this amazing world with happily and satisfactorily; then only life is accomplished. I am not against the technology, being as a technocrat I love technology, but we have to use it constructively. Let’s live with technology, but ensuring that we are master forever, and technology should remain as a servant. And one more thing, Smartphone may be your friend during loneliness, please remember, it is continuously stealing your Aloneness..! Now choice is yours..!

Let’s live the life with Healthy, Happy and Harmony!


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